From Multitasking to Laser Focus

published on 12 August 2024

AI Coaches Help Reps Manage Time Effectively by Shannon Plumb 

Someone once told me that when you have kids, the days are long, but the years are short. Kids or no kids, the older that I get, the faster time seems to go - both the days and years. Some weeks are a blur and don’t get me started about the ones (hello, 2021) that I seemed to have misplaced during the pandemic. 

In the fast-paced world of sales, just like in life, time is the most valuable and finite asset. Sales teams are juggling multiple tasks—prospecting, nurturing leads, closing deals, and following up with clients—all while trying to stay organized, productive, and efficient.  

The constant need to multitask can lead to decreased efficiency, increased stress, and missed opportunities. Not to mention that the idea of humans being able to multitask is a myth. In fact, multitasking can reduce productivity by up to 40%! 

Since we can’t physically think of more than one thing at a time, the world of AI has stepped in to help the Sales Team out with AI coaches. These game-changers are transforming how sales reps manage their time. 

What are AI Coaches? 

AI coaches are sophisticated tools designed to enhance productivity by providing personalized guidance and support. These “digital assistants” leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze a sales rep’s workflow, identify inefficiencies, and offer actionable insights. 

Here are a few ways that AI coaches can be impactful: 

1. Task Prioritization 

One of the most challenging aspects of time management is deciding which task to tackle first. AI coaches analyze data from various sources, such as CRM systems, email, and calendars, to understand the urgency and importance of each task. They then create a prioritized to-do list, helping reps focus on high-impact activities that drive sales. This ensures that critical tasks are not overlooked and deadlines are met. 

2. Smart Scheduling 

AI coaches can optimize a sales representative’s schedule by analyzing their work habits and meeting patterns. Then it suggests the best times for specific activities, such as prospecting calls, follow-ups, or team meetings, based on the rep’s peak productivity periods. By organizing the day more efficiently, AI coaches help reps make the most of their working hours, reducing downtime and increasing overall productivity. 

3. Real-Time Insights and Reminders 

Forgetfulness and missed follow-ups can be costly in sales, especially for activities to drive them pipeline. AI coaches provide real-time insights and reminders to keep reps on track. They send alerts for upcoming meetings, follow-up deadlines, and important tasks, ensuring nothing slips through the cracks. This proactive approach allows sales reps to stay ahead of their schedules and maintain consistent communication with prospects and customers. 

4. Performance Analytics 

AI coaches offer detailed performance analytics, highlighting areas where reps excel and where there’s room for improvement. By providing data-driven feedback, helping coaches understand their strengths and weaknesses and enabling them to refine their strategies and focus on activities that yield the best results. Continuous improvement becomes a natural part of the workflow, driven by actionable insights. 

5. Eliminating Low-Value Tasks 

Sales reps often get bogged down with administrative tasks that consume valuable time. I definitely have fallen into this trap during my career. AI coaches can identify low-value activities and suggest ways to automate or delegate them. For instance, they can automate data entry, schedule social media posts, or even generate routine reports. By offloading these tasks, AI coaches free up reps to concentrate on high-value activities like building relationships and closing deals. 

6. Enhanced Communication (& overall soft skills) 

Effective communication is crucial in sales, but it’s easy to lose track of conversations in a busy schedule. AI coaches can analyze communication patterns and suggest optimal times for follow-ups, as well as provide templates and insights to craft more compelling messages. This ensures that every interaction is timely and relevant, fostering better relationships with prospects and clients. Dextego helps reps practice and improve their pitching skills-ensuring they have the right conversations with the right buyer personas and keep messaging relevant to their pain points.  


The shift from multitasking to laser-focused efficiency is a game-changer for sales reps that should not be overlooked. AI coaches are at the forefront of this transformation, offering personalized support and actionable insights to manage time more effectively and achieve optimal performance.  

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